澳亞研究學會(ATSA)將於4月24日17:30(台灣時間)舉辦由吳家榮教授及范銘如教授編輯之新書發表會Taiwan Literature in the 21st Century


The Australasian Taiwan Studies Association is pleased to hold the first 2023 ATSA Seminar on 24 April. Editors Professor Chia-rong Wu, Professor Ming-ju Fan and contributors of the book will join us to talk about the book. Please register via Eventbrite atBook Launch: Taiwan Literature in the 21st Century
The Australasian Taiwan Studies Association is pleased to hold the first 2023 ATSA Seminar on 24 April. Editors Professor Chia-rong Wu, Professor Ming-ju Fan and contributors of the book will join us to talk about the book.